July 2, 2020

Meaningful Ways to Move the Needle on Social Justice as a Nutrition Influencer

Between the striking health disparities brought to light by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the tragically telling examples of systemic racism and bigotry exposed over the last several weeks, issues of inequality are weighing heavily on Americans’ collective consciousness. Now, influencers across every industry are reexamining their roles, responsibilities and relationships within this broader cultural context and reflecting on if and how to leverage their platforms to help advance social progress.

To explore some of these philosophical questions facing today’s nutrition influencers, Padilla|FoodMinds connected with several registered dietitian influencers and shared insights and best practices for engaging in social advocacy online.

Here are some of the top takeaways:

These past few tumultuous months have offered an opportunity to reset priorities, reaffirm core values and connect with others in new and meaningful ways. And nutrition influencers can be potent catalysts for positive social change, particularly when it comes to advocating for equal access to nutritious food, affordable nutrition services, and diversity and inclusion in nutrition education and communications.

Still, understanding and navigating these tectonic cultural shifts can be daunting. If you’re an influencer working in the food, nutrition and wellness space, and you’re interested in learning more about Padilla|FoodMinds’ perspective on digital and social media best practices with of-the-moment relevance, [email protected].

Jean Owen Curran, MS, RDN, is an Account Supervisor at FoodMinds and based in Chicago, IL.

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