January 22, 2020

Meet our Staff: Sherry Watkins

Sherry is an events manager in our Chicago office. She has been managing advisory panel meetings, summits, receptions and numerous client events for FoodMinds for more than twelve years. From behind-the-scenes meeting planning to helping clients build and staff exhibit booths, Sherry can be found executing every detail. Her passion and attention to detail for her work is reflected in the client’s successful events. Sherry graduated from Fox College in the south suburbs of Chicago.

How would you describe your role in one sentence?

Planning, organizing and managing logistics to get people and packages from point A to point B in a timely and cost-effective manner!


What is your favorite part of your job?

The variety of work that I get to do from day to day. I learn something new every day and work with some of the smartest people I have ever met! This is one of the many reasons I have worked at FoodMinds for over 12 years.


What’s the best piece of life advice you’ve received?

One of my first boss’s best piece of advice was “LBD – Learn by Doing”. This has stuck with me for my whole career and still stands true today.


How do you stay organized at work?

I work on several events simultaneously so need to stay organized. I love to use color coded folders to keep each project and all related information in one place. Another great tool is creating a new folder in my Outlook mailbox for each project/event with many subfolders for specifics and file them once they have been addressed.


If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be – and why?

Beef tenderloin with gorgonzola sauce, baked potato and roasted brussels sprouts. This is a meal we have often on Christmas day at my sister’s house. It represents tradition and spending time with my family and remembering those that are no longer with us.

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